Market Report Cards from Q4 - 2022 Residential Sales
Written By BJ Ray
Every quarter we take a look at a variety of different towns and neighborhoods and take the temperature of the local market. What’s happening in the market over a given time frame is important. But context is also important.
Our mini-market reports reflect the town or neighborhood’s vitals for that quarter, comparing them to the previous quarter as well the year before.
They’re in alphabetical order. Next time we may group them by county.
real estatejamaica plain real estateroslindale single familiesjamaica plain single familiesactonallstonarlingtonbelmontbeverlyboxfordbrightonbrooklinecambridgejamaica plainroslindalesingle family marketcondo marketmarket report4Q 2022dedhamcantonchelsealynnmalden

Proud member of the Boston Home Team. 18 years of professional experience. 100’s and 100’s of homes sold!